
兒福聯盟公益便當袋 – 作法步驟分享 Charity Lunch Bag

Crafting for a good cause – Handmade with LOVE especially for children

Moya’s Workshop has proudly supported local charity organizations since its inception.
This year, we would like to invite you to donate your time and effort to craft handmade items, such as blankets, book bags, pencil cases, and lunch bags, to give to children in need.

For sewers, who use their skills to craft items, this experience can be so much more rewarding than giving a monetary donation. For the children who receive these, the handmade items can provide comfort and meet their basic needs during a difficult time.

Why not use your creativity to make someone’s life a little better? Remember to check the hospitals, shelters, and charity organizations in your local area to see what they need!

This Lunch Bag provides easy-to-follow, step-by-step photo instructions, FOR CHARITY PURPOSES ONLY. Please remember to cite the sources if you use any material from this blog.


Lunch Bag Finished Size: 8-1/2”*5-1/2”*6-1/4”


One Piece of 15” X 19-1/2” Exterior fabric
One Piece of 15” X 18” of Lining fabric
Two Strips of 3” X 16” Handle fabric
Two Pieces of 15-3/8” X 6” Drawstring fabric
Two 33-2/1” of Cords
Two Cord Ends

1. 表布上下兩端先往內折燙2cm
Step 1: Fold and iron the short edges of the fabric, 3/4” to the wrong side.

2. 將表袋身正面相對,兩側車合 (縫份為1cm)
Step 2: Temporarily flat the folds. Fold the Exterior fabric widthwise with the right side together. With ½” seam allowance, stitch the sides.

Step 3: Press the seam open. Flat the 2 bottom corners, mark 5-1/2” flat bottom lines, and stitch the lines.

4. 重覆步驟23,製作裡袋身,一側邊須留一返口
Step 4: Repeat the step 2 and 3 to stitch the Lining fabric. Leave an opening on one side.

5. 並將表裡袋底角多餘部分剪掉
Step 5: Trim the corners to ½” seam allowance.

6. 提把布條先長邊上下往內折燙1cm,再對折折燙,沿長邊壓0.2cm裝飾線
Step 6: Fold and iron the long edges of the Handles, ½” to the wrong side. Fold in half again and top-stitch 1/16” from the long edges.

7. 將提把疏縫於表袋身上 (內徑距離為10cm)
Step 7: Baste the short edges of the Handles along the top edge of the Exterior Main Body, 2” from the center.

8. 束口布上緣先折1cm、再折2cm做記號
Step 8: Press one long edge of the Drawstring fabric 3/8” to the wrong side, and then press 3/4” again. (If using nylon fabric, it is highly recommended to use a finger presser instead of a hot iron for the folds.)

9. 將束口布背面相對(正面朝外),兩側以縫份0.5cm車縫至止點(第二道折燙記號處下緣)
Step 9: Temporarily flat the folds. With the drawstring fabric wrong sides together. With a 1/8” seam allowance, stitch the sides from the stop points, 1-1/8” from the short edges, to the bottom. Turn the wrong side out and iron the seam allowance flat. With 1/4” seam allowance, stitch the sides from the stop points to the bottom to enclose the seam previously stitched.

10. 將束口布上側開口處縫份於車縫止點處剪開
Step 10: Cut the seam at the stop point so that the seam can be flat. Be careful NOT to cut the stitched lines.

Tips: As I decided to have the seam toward the left side, I cut the left part of the seam half and the right part all the way near to the stitched line.

11. 將束口布縫份攤開,沿袋口U字形車縫0.5cm固定
Step 11: Press the seam open and stitch around, 1/8” away from the edges.

12. 將袋口依照步驟8的折燙折回,沿上緣1.8cm車縫一圈固定袋口折燙處,並形成軌道
Step 12: Press the folds in Step 8 back. Top-stitch 5/8” from the top edge to create a channel.

13. 將正面朝外的裡袋身置於正面朝內的表袋身中
Step 13: Fully insert the Lining Main Body right-side out into the Exterior Main Body wrong-side out. With the Drawstring fabric in between, right-side out, align the raw edge with the top edge of the Main Body. With ½” seam allowance, stitch the top edge.

Step 14: Turn right-side out.

15. 整燙後沿袋口0.2cm壓一道裝飾線 (注意不要壓到束口布)
Step 15: Press the folds in Step 1 back as the top edge of the bag. Topstitch 1/16” from the top edge. Be careful NOT to stitch the Drawstring fabric.

16. 將束口布拉起,沿袋口1.2cm再車縫一道裝飾線
Step 16: Pull the Drawstring fabric out. Topstitch ½” from the top edge. Be careful NOT to stitch the Drawstring fabric.

17. 以穿帶器將皮繩穿過束口布軌道,套入木珠打結即可完成
Step 17:Use a bodkin to thread the cords through the channel. Apply the cord ends to the cords.


